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Case Learning

The Ivey program is entirely based on the Case-Method, which uses real business case scenarios to ensure that every class is relevant in today's world, as well as interactive and memorable.

By presenting the challenges faced by actual companies, Ivey Asia puts its students in the role of the decision maker. The classroom becomes a type of business simulator where students can test their thinking and judgment in a low-risk, supportive environment and get instant feedback that they can incorporate into their learning. The current nature and timeliness of the case discussions create opportunities to invite executives from the relevant industries into class to provide a perspective that is simply not possible to receive from a textbook.

How We Use Cases

In each Ivey Asia class, you will face real life business scenarios. Alongside your fellow students, you will get the opportunity to analyze data, develop strategies, and defend your decisions during a dynamic classroom experience, which are all facilitated by our professors. All Ivey Asia professors are world leaders in the creation of business cases, where you will have the unique experience of being led through a case by the faculty member who authored it. This provides an exhilarating educational experience at Ivey Asia.

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